IV Vitamin Therapy

IV drip therapy is an effective way to deliver nutrients, vitamins, and medications to the body because this technique bypasses the digestive system. Supplements are administered directly into the bloodstream, making nutrients available for immediate use.
Not only does this method accelerate the effectiveness of treatment, the digestive system metabolizes supplements and significantly reduces the amount of vitamins, nutrients, and medication that actually enters the bloodstream. IV drips ensure 100% absorption for maximum effect and minimal waste.
Because vitamins and medications are delivered directly to the cells that need them, IV drips have the potential to impact and improve the function of a wide variety of body systems.



One liter of pure hydration. This basic combination mixed with electrolytes and vitamins will get you back on your feet.

  • 1 L Normal Saline

  • B-complex

  • B-12

Immune Boost


Your body needs increased fluids and vitamins when you are feeling under the weather. Help alleviate the symptoms and shorten the duration of the common cold or flu with this infusion.

  • 1 L Normal Saline

  • B-12

  • B-complex

  • Magnesium

  • Selenium

  • Zinc V

  • Vitamin C

  • Glutathione (antioxidant)

Hangover Cure


The best cure to over-indulgence. This infusion alleviates hangover symptoms like headache, fatigue, nausea, and vomiting. Don’t let a hangover slow you down

  • 1 L Normal Saline

  • B-Complex

  • B-12

  • Anti-nausea (Zofran)

  • Anti-Inflammatory (Toradol)

Athletic Booster


Maximize performance, recover faster, and increase muscle mass and mental clarity. This elite infusion decreases muscle soreness and breakdown while replenishing the essential electrolytes you need to take on your next physical challenge.

  • 1 L Normal Saline

  • Myer’s Cocktail

  • Glutathione (antioxidant)

  • Tri-Amino Acids (L-Carnitine, Glutamine and Arginine)

Migraine Relief


The onset of a migraine can stop you in your tracks. Designed to alleviate migraine headaches, this soothing infusion will help get back to being you.

  • 1 L Normal Saline

  • B-12

  • B-Complex

  • Anti-nausea (Zofran)

  • Anti-Inflammatory (Toradol)

Morning Sickness


Get immediate relief from your morning sickness symptoms while replenishing vital fluids crucial to you and your developing baby. This treatment is safe for pregnancy.

  • 1 L Normal Saline

  • B-12

  • B-Complex

  • Zofran

Myer’s Cocktail


Multivitamin cocktail effective for acute asthma attacks, migraines, fatigue (including chronic fatigue syndrome), Fibromyalgia, acute muscle spasms, colds, chronic sinusitis, seasonal allergies, chronic depression/anxiety and other disorders.

  • 1 L Normal Saline

  • Vitamin C

  • B-12

  • B-Complex

  • Magnesium

  • Procaine

  • Selenium

  • Calcium Chloride

  • Zinc

Altitude Therapy


Whether you are at your favorite ski resort or climbing the mountains, don’t let altitude sickness put a damper on your adventure.

  • 1 L Normal Saline

  • Tri-Amino Acids

  • Decadron (corticosteroid, helps with inflammation)

  • Glutathione (antioxidant)



Help turn back the clock and address wrinkles, blemishes, acne, dry skin, and other signs of aging with this infusion. Say hello to brighter skin, stronger nails, and healthier hair.

  • 1 L Normal Saline

  • High Dose Vitamin C 

  • Biotin

  • Glutathione 

Mega Immune Boost


This cocktail is packed full of essential vitamins to help your body fight virus’s. Mega dose of vitamin C plus glutathione to detox your body.

  • 1 L Normal Saline

  • High Dose Vitamin C

  • B-12

  • B-Complex

  • Magnesium

  • Zinc

  • Selenium

  • Calcium Chloride

  • Glutathione

Gut Health


Give your gut the attention it deserves with this IV. Formulated to help heal the cellular damage in the GI tract. It corrects issues with leaky gut and reduces inflammation.

  • 1 L Noraml Saline

  • B-12

  • B-Complex

  • Magnesium

  • Zinc

  • Vitamin C

  • Amino Blend

  • Glutathione

The Pick Me Up


Life can be tough, but we can help. Most of us are depleted in essential minerals and vitamins and have no idea how vital they are to our mental health.

  • 1 L Normal Saline

  • Magnesium

  • B-12

  • B-Complex

  • Zinc

  • Vitamin C

  • D3 (injection)

NAD+250 mg


NAD+500 mg


NAD+ is a coenzyme or helper molecule, that takes part in many biological reactions. Benefits include protecting cells from stress, maintaining healthy sleep cycles, and helping your cells repair damaged DNA. NAD+ can help support healthy aging, since your natural levels decline as you get older. 


Add any of the following for extra relief


The duration of an IV therapy session can vary depending on the specific treatment and individual needs. On average, a session can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour.

Yes, IV therapy is generally safe when administered by trained professionals. Our medspa ensures that our staff members are experienced in performing IV therapy and follow strict protocols to ensure safety.

IV therapy is generally well tolerated, but some individuals may experience minor side effects like temporary lightheadedness or slight bruising at the injection site. These effects are typically short-lived.

A variety of individuals can benefit from IV therapy, including those seeking increased energy, improved athletic performance, enhanced recovery, relief from hangovers, immune system support, and improved overall wellness.

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